Hip Hop and RhymeThe form Hip Hop is unique in many ways. One aspect of Hip Hop that makes this form unique is the rhythm of the author's lyrics to the…Apr 19, 20212Apr 19, 20212
Hello Allison,I really enjoyed your interpretation of the form the Blues. I liked how you explained the history of the blues and then you explained how…Apr 17, 2021Apr 17, 2021
The BluesBlues are a unique form of poetry in many aspects. One unique thing about Blues is the way this form was created. Blues was created by…Apr 12, 20211Apr 12, 20211
The SonnetThe sonnet is a very interesting form of poetry. The sonnet form has many rules depending on the author’s culture. There are two different…Mar 29, 20212Mar 29, 20212
What is a Pantoum Poem?The pantoum form of poetry has rules and techniques that make this form of poetry unique. The structure of each stanza is formatted in a…Mar 23, 20211Mar 23, 20211
What Is a Haiku?Reading about the structures of haiku’s helped me better understand how unique this form of poetry is. There are many important details in…Mar 8, 20211Mar 8, 20211
“Ghazal: To Be Teased Into DisUnity” AnalyzedThe article “The Ghazal: To Be Teased Unto DisUnity” explains what a ghazal is and where it came from. According to the article, it states…Mar 1, 20212Mar 1, 20212